The following are definitions for terms used on this web site:
Active aging theory
Aging theory in which aging is the pro-active result of an evolved life span management or regulation system – same as adaptive aging.
Adaptive aging theory
Aging theory proposing that aging or other organism feature that purposely limits life span evolved because a limited life span creates group, kin, or evolvability benefit.
Antagonistic pleiotropy
Aging theory c 1957 in which an unknown individually beneficial trait incurs aging as an unavoidable side-effect due to pleiotropy.
Digital Genetics Study of information (digital data) aspects of inheritance mechanisms and implications for evolutionary mechanics. Disposable soma theory
Aging theory c 1975 in which aging is an unavoidable side-effect of some trait that benefits reproduction.
Evolutionary mechanics
Mechanisms whereby evolutionary process operates e.g. natural selection.
Evolvability theory
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1995 in which an organism’s capacity for evolution is a factor in the evolution process and benefit to evolvability can offset individual disadvantage.
Gene-oriented theory
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1975 in which benefit to gene propagation can compensate for individual disadvantage.
Group selection
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1962 in which group benefit can compensate for individual disadvantage.
Individual benefit
A benefit to the survival or reproductive ability of an individual organism or its direct descendents – required by traditional mechanics -- specifically excludes group, kin, evolvability, or gene-oriented benefit.
Kin selection
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1964 in which benefit to close relatives can compensate for individual disadvantage.
Medawar’s hypothesis
Theory c 1952 that evolutionary disadvantage of aging or otherwise limited life span declines following age at which an organism is first capable of reproducing.
Modern Synthesis
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1945 similar to neo-Darwinism.
Mutation accumulation
Theory c 1952 in which aging results from many adverse mutations all of which only cause significant adverse effects in late life.
Evolutionary mechanics theory c 1945 in which natural selection entirely defines evolution process; requires evolved traits to have individual benefit.
Inherited physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism.
Situation in which a single gene controls multiple phenotypic traits.
Programmed aging
Same as adaptive aging – aging is purposely genetically programmed.
Traditional mechanics
Evolutionary mechanisms as defined by pre-1962 evolutionary mechanics theory i.e. neo-Darwinism or Modern Synthesis.
Unavoidable side-effect
Situation in which the evolution process is unable to accomplish a particular beneficial function without incurring an adverse side-effect e.g. aging.
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